Created in 2019, The “Album in a Day” Project was curated by myself and a few peers orginizing the day.
The goal was to, without any practice, work as a team to produce semi-harmonious tracks.
A few of the students had some musical experiance, but most did not!
There is a specific kind of innocence when approaching a new skill, and most of the time that innocence is
tarnished by those who tell you “you are doing it wrong” or suggest you improve your technique.
Artisticly, this album is all about just doing in in one take and roll with the punches.
Created by the Studio for Interrelated media students who participated.
Organized by Randy Aguilar, Aaron edwards and Amira Hodzic
Composed, Mixed and Mastered by Randy Aguilar
Poster below designed by Randy Aguilar
